A collection of medium scale attractions made by Namco for larger amusement locations. Most of these require an operator to use, being both large, expensive and in some instances rather dangerous...
Eunos Roadster Driving Simulator
Namco / Mazda / Mitsubishi Precision - 1990 |
Notes : This was a joint venture between Namco and the Mazda Motor Corp. to develop a Eunos Roadstar Driving Simulator, this later went on to become the idea for the basis of Ridge Racer Full Scale. |
Sequel :
Sim Drive (1992)
Galaxian 3 Theatre 6 : Project Dragoon
1990 |
Players : 6 Players
Video : 2 x 110inch RGB Projectors - 18 Foot Wide Screen
Sound : 4 channel BOSE sound system
Dimensions : 5 metres wide, 4.9 metres Long, 2.4 metres High
Controls : Gun yoke type controller, identical to Starblade
Price : $150,000 + Software
Video + Sound Hardware Notes :
Namco System 21 - For the 3D fighters and for certain parts of mission critical capital ships.
2 Laserdisc systems (One per projector) - For the pre-rendered backdrops, certain key actions would change the course of the mission so the laserdisc would jump from one section to another, this is seemless so I am assuming there was some sort of buffer for this.
Notes : The game begins when six space pilots climb into the Galaxian 3 cockpit and prepare for take off. Their mission: destroy The Cannon Seed, a tremendous, powerful living weapon bent on destroying the Universe--starting with good old Earth.
| Flyers : 4 Piece Large Flyer
| Cabinets : Inside looking backwards - UK Cabinet
| Others Images : Spec sheet - Ingame CG - More Ingame CG |
Prequels :
Galaxians (1979)
- Galaga (1981)
- Gaplus (1984)
- Galaga 3 (1984)
- Galaga '88 (1987)
- Galaxian 3 (1990)
Sequel :
Galaxian 3 Theatre 6 J2 : Attack Of The Zolgear (1994)
Mitsubishi DS5000
Namco / Mitsubishi - 1990 |
Notes : This was a Joint venture between Namco and Mitsubishi Precision Co. LTD to produce a simulator for traffic safety education. |
Ridge Racer Full Scale
1994 |
This games runs on
Namco System 22
hardware |
Players : 1 Player (but someone can sit in the passenger seat)
Video : 2 x 110inch RGB Projectors - 18 Foot Screen
Sound : 4 channel BOSE sound system
Dimensions : 6 metres wide, 5 metres Long, 2.5 metres High
Controls : Full car controls, including steering wheel, clutch, brakes, throttle, and all of the dials in the car work and correspond to what the car is doing on screen (i.e. rev counter)
Notes : This is one of the first games that is actually almost impossible to drive in manual unless you can really drive a car, as you need to use the clutch, gearstick and a proper 3 turn steering wheel. The gameplay is based on Ridge Racer with the exception of it having 5 gears instead of 6. The board crate is under the cars bonnet, giving new meaning to the term "graphics engine" ;)
| More Notes : Pointless information but handy if its a hot arcade, the air blowers all work in the car as well ;) |
Other versions :
Ridge Racer Three Monitor Version
(Namco System 22)
- Ridge Racer
(1993,Namco System 22)
Sequels :
Ridge Racer 2 (1994)
- Rave Racer (1995)
- Ridge Racer V Arcade Battle (2001)
Turret Tower
Dell Electronics - 2002 |
Hardware : Unique and Custom
Notes : Started off life as a electronic project for an apprentice, it ended up being such successful a project that it was able to be sold to Namco America as a complete project. Designed and engineered by George Dell, who handled the mechanical side of things, and Brian Weber, who handled the graphics, sound and game design, it took the 2 of them 4 years from conceiving the project to its release. Everything about the machine is custom, it was built from the ground up including all software and hardware which was designed from scratch for the project. The "Turret" is a chair and widescreen tv mounted on a circular platform that can be rotated through 360 degrees bu means of a large chain drive unit mounted under the monitor. The unit has numerous safety features, including not functioning unless the seatbelt in on, the door is shut and there is nothing loose inside the machine, and the machine doesnt make you feel ill in any way, which is an pretty amazing after you see it wildly spinning around :)
| Flyers : Normal Flyer |