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Main CPU : Intel i960-KB @ 25 MHz 32bits RISC
Graphics Co-Processor : Fujitsu TGP MB86234 FPU 32bits 16M flops
Co-Processor Abilities : Floating decimal point operation function, Axis rotation operation function, 3D matrix operation function
Sound CPU : 16bits 68000 @ 10Mhz
Sound chip : 2 x Custom 28 channel PCM chips, 1 for Music and 1 for Effects (Can access up to 8meg sample rom *per chip*)
Sound Timing Chip : YM3834 @ 8MHz (only used for its timers)
Audio RAM : 540 Kilobytes (4 megabits)
Video resolution : 496x384 in 65536 colors
Geometry : 300,000 polygons/s. 900,000 vectors/s
Rendering : 1,200,000 pixels/s
Video : Shading Flat Shading, Perspective Texture, Micro Texture, Multi Window, Diffuse Reflection, Specula Reflection.
Sound Notes : Uses the same sound board as Model 1, the 3812 analog outputs are connected to a rc high pass filter then preamplifiers and all the usual audio equipment so the output from the ym can actually be heard.
Board pictures : CPU Board - Video Board - Rom Board
Notes : Sega had always envisioned their 3D system to be textured, never just flat shaded 3D, so with this in mind they kept their relation going with GEA (now known as Martin Marietta after being bought by them in 1993) and worked with SEGA to upgrade the Model 1 graphics, including the new texture mapping features among other effects.
Emulators : Nebula (2D and Audio)

Daytona USA
Daytona USA : GTX 2004 Edition
Daytona USA : To The Maxx
Daytona USA : Turbo
Desert Tank
Virtua Cop

Daytona USA
Daytona USA
Daytona USA Daytona USA
Flyers : Normal Flyer - Other Flyer - Alt Flyer
Pictures : Original Cabinet - 8 Player Pnumatic Cabinet Control Panel
Notes : The first game to come out on this hardware, worth mentioning above and beyond anything else due to the fact that it is the number one grossing game of all time. I have no figures to quote but I do know that in the UK alone it made close to twice the figures the second best selling game did (that honor goes to Time Crisis 2).
Daytona also caused and still causes a problem in the arcade industry, Sega had come up with such a "killer app" that no other game from them or any other company since has matched it in terms of profitability, leading to the phrase heard from most site operators, "It's no Daytona".
Sequels : Daytona USA : Turbo - Daytona USA 2 (1998) - Daytona USA 2 : Power Edition (1998) - Daytona USA : To The Maxx (2001) - Daytona USA : GTX 2004 Edition (2003)

Daytona USA : GTX 2004 Edition
Hack - 2003
Daytona USA : GTX 2004 Edition Daytona USA : GTX 2004 Edition
Daytona USA : GTX 2004 Edition Daytona USA : GTX 2004 Edition
Notes : Yet another unofficial hack that adds a roleplaying element to the game.
PCB : Upgrade Kit
Prequels : Daytona USA (1993) - Daytona USA : Turbo - Daytona USA 2 (1998) - Daytona USA 2 : Power Edition (1998) - Daytona USA : To The Maxx (2001)

Daytona USA : To The Maxx
Kyle Hodgetts - 2001
Daytona USA : To The Maxx Daytona USA : To The Maxx
Notes : Another unofficial hack, adds a turbo button and several more playing modes, a ghost car for your fastest lap, a rear view and about 4 more viewing modes, and its surprisingly playable...
Note the bar across the middle at the bottom, this is your turbo fuel, and the red bars at the side are your extra views, also, the digital speedo has been changed.
Prequels : Daytona USA (1993) - Daytona USA : Turbo - Daytona USA 2 (1998) - Daytona USA 2 : Power Edition (1998)
Sequel : Daytona USA : GTX 2004 Edition (2003)

Daytona USA : Turbo
Kyle Hodgetts - 199?
Daytona USA : Turbo Daytona USA : Turbo
Notes : An unofficial hack that's slightly faster than the original and also features (allegedly) optional monster trucks!
Prequel : Daytona USA (1993)
Sequels : Daytona USA 2 (1998) - Daytona USA 2 : Power Edition (1998) - Daytona USA : To The Maxx (2001) - Daytona USA : GTX 2004 Edition (2003)

Desert Tank
Sega / Real3D - 1994
Desert Tank
Desert Tank Desert Tank

Virtua Cop
Virtua Cop
Virtua Cop Virtua Cop
Flyers : Normal Flyer - Alternate Flyer - Other Flyer
Sequels : Virtua Cop 2 (1995) - Virtua Cop 3 (2003)


All content is © 1999-2025 Toby Broyad, all rights reserved.
All names and images used are trademarked by their respective trademark holders.
System16 takes no responsibility for the content of any linked websites.

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