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These games use many CPUs and many boards in many different combinations, but all games had the same basic features.
Main CPU : 68010 @ 8 MHz
GSP : TMS34010 @ 48MHz - Rasterizer : to render the polygons and graphics
PSP : TMS34012 @ 50MHz - (labelled SCX6218UTP) to expand pixels
MSP : TMS34010 @ 50MHz - (optional) to handle in-game maths calculations
Video resoution : 512x288
Board composition : At least 3 pcb's connected together.
There are 3 different known main boards
The "Driver" board (A045988)
68010 @ 7MHz
2 x TMS34010 @ 50MHz
TMS34012 50MHz
Has 1MB of VRAM
- Hard Drivin'
- Race Drivin' Upgrade
The "Multisync" board (A046901)
68010 @ 7MHz
2 x TMS34010 @ 50MHz
TMS34012 50MHz
Has 512k of VRAM
- STUN Runner
- Steel Talons
- Hard Drivin' Compact
- Race Drivin' Compact
The "Multisync II" board (A049852)
68010 @ 7MHz
2 x TMS34010 @ 50MHz
TMS34012 50MHz
- Hard Drivin's Airborne
Stacked on top of the main board were two or more additional boards that were accessible through an expansion bus. Each game had at least an ADSP board and a sound board. Later games had additional boards for extra horsepower or for communications between multiple players.
There are 4 different known ADSP boards
The "ADSP" board
ADSP-2100 @ 8MHz
- early Hard Drivin' revisions
The "ADSP II" board
ADSP-2100 @ 8MHz
- later Hard Drivin'
- STUN Runner
- Hard Drivin' Compact
- Race Drivin' Upgrade
- Race Drivin' Compact
The "DS III" board
ADSP-2101 @ 12MHz
- Steel Talons
The "DS IV" board (A051973)
ADSP-2101 @ 12 MHz
- Hard Drivin's Airborne
These do not match one-for-one with the main boards above.The ADSP board is usually the board stacked closest to the main board and these boards are the workhorses of the game. They contain a single 8MHz ADSP-2100 (ADSP and ADSP II) or 12MHz ADSP-2101 (DS III) chip that is responsible for all the polygon transformations, lighting, and slope computations. Along with the DSP, there are several high-speed serial-access ROMs and RAMs.
The "ADSP II" board is nearly identical to the original "ADSP" board except that is has space for extra serial ROM data. The "DS III" is an advanced design that contains space for a bunch of complex sound circuitry that appears to have never been used.
There are 4 different known Sound Boards
The "Driver Sound" board (A046491)
68000 @ 7MHz
TMS32010 @ 20MHz
- Hard Drivin'
- Hard Drivin' Compact
- Race Drivin' Upgrade
- Race Drivin' Compact
The "JSA II" Sound Board
6502 @ 1.7MHz
- STUN Runner
The "JSA IIIS" Sound Board
6502 @ 1.7MHz
- Steel Talons
The "DS IV" sound board
2 x ADSP2105 @ 10MHz
The "Driver sound" board runs with a 68000 master and a TMS32010 slave driving a DAC. The "JSA" boards are both standard Atari sound boards with a 6502 driving a YM2151 and an OKI6295 ADPCM chip.
There are 3 known Supplemental Boards
The "DSK" Board (A047724)
DSP32C @ 40MHz
TMS32015 @ 20MHz
DSP/Graphics Board
- Race Drivin' Upgrade
- Race Drivin' Compact
The "DSPCOM" I/O Board (A049349)
ADSP-2105 @ 10MHz
Communication Board
- Steel Talons
The "DISK II" board (A051028)
Unknown Use
- Hard Drivin's Airborne

PCB Photos (huge) : Main Board - Drive Sound - DSK Board - ADSP II Board

Emulators : MAME

AGC Mobile Operations Simulator (AMOS)
BMX Heat
Hard Drivin'
Hard Drivin' Compact
Hard Drivin's Airborne
Race Drivin' Compact
Race Drivin' Panorama
Race Drivin' Upgrade
S.T.U.N. Runner / STUN Runner
Steel Talons
Street Drivin'

AGC Mobile Operations Simulator (AMOS)
1990 (Prototype)
Notes : 8 Linked Panorama units with a controlling PC, unknown configuration, but if there are 8 machines with 5 screens each that's 40 crates.
AGC Mobile Operations Simulator (AMOS) AGC Mobile Operations Simulator (AMOS)
AGC Mobile Operations Simulator (AMOS) AGC Mobile Operations Simulator (AMOS)
AGC Mobile Operations Simulator (AMOS) AGC Mobile Operations Simulator (AMOS)
AGC Mobile Operations Simulator (AMOS) AGC Mobile Operations Simulator (AMOS)
AGC Mobile Operations Simulator (AMOS)
Notes : A police training simulator developed by Atari.

BMX Heat
1990 (Prototype)
Hardware (unconfirmed)
Main : "Multisync II" board (7MHz 68010, 2x50MHz TMS34010, 50MHz TMS34012)
ADSP : "DS III" board (12MHz ADSP-2101)
Sound : "JSA IIIS" sound board (1.7MHz 6502, YM2151, OKI6295)
Additional Boards : "DSPCOM" I/O board (10MHz ADSP-2105)
BMX Heat BMX Heat
BMX Heat BMX Heat
Notes : The cabinet for this machine featured a proper BMX that you had to pedal to move, and a fan at the front so it felt like the wind was in your hair, was tested at Milpitas Golfland.

Hard Drivin'
Main : "Driver" board (7MHz 68010, 2x50MHz TMS34010, 50MHz TMS34012)
ADSP : "ADSP" or "ADSP II" board (8MHz ADSP-2100) - depends on age of machine
Sound : "Driver sound" board (7MHz 68000, 20MHz TMS32010)
Hard Drivin' Hard Drivin'
Flyers (external link) : Flyer 1 (@ - Flyer 2 (@
Magazine Reviews (external link) : YS May '89 - SU Mar '89 - C+VG Mar '89 - TGM Mar '89 - YS Mar '90
Other version : Hard Drivin' Compact (1988,Atari Hard Drivin')
Sequels : Race Drivin' Compact (1989) - Race Drivin' Upgrade (1989) - Race Drivin' Panorama (1991) - Hard Drivin's Airborne (1993)

Hard Drivin' Compact
Main : "Multisync" board (7MHz 68010, 2x50MHz TMS34010, 50MHz TMS34012)
ADSP : "ADSP II" board (8MHz ADSP-2100)
Sound : "Driver sound" board (7MHz 68000, 20MHz TMS32010)
Hard Drivin' Compact Hard Drivin' Compact
Flyers : Normal Flyer
Other version : Hard Drivin' (1988,Atari Hard Drivin')
Sequels : Race Drivin' Compact (1989) - Race Drivin' Upgrade (1989) - Race Drivin' Panorama (1991) - Hard Drivin's Airborne (1993)

Hard Drivin's Airborne
1993 (Prototype)
Main : "Multisync II" board (7MHz 68010, 2x50MHz TMS34010, 50MHz TMS34012)
ADSP : "DS IV" board (2x ADSP-2105)
Additional Boards : The "DISK II" board (A051028)
Hard Drivin's Airborne Hard Drivin's Airborne
Flyers : Normal Flyer
Prequels : Hard Drivin' (1988) - Hard Drivin' Compact (1988) - Race Drivin' Compact (1989) - Race Drivin' Upgrade (1989) - Race Drivin' Panorama (1991)

Race Drivin' Compact
Main : "Multisync" board (7MHz 68010, 2x50MHz TMS34010, 50MHz TMS34012)
ADSP : "ADSP II" board (8MHz ADSP-2100)
Sound : "Driver sound" board (7MHz 68000, 20MHz TMS32010)
Additional Boards : "DSK" board (40MHz DSP32C, 20MHz TMS32015)
Slapstic : 137412-117
Race Drivin' Compact Race Drivin' Compact
Flyers (external link) : Flyer 1 (@ - Flyer 2 (@
Magazine Reviews (external link) : SU Jan '91 - C+VG Jan '91
Prequels : Hard Drivin' (1988) - Hard Drivin' Compact (1988)
Other version : Race Drivin' Upgrade (1989,Atari Hard Drivin')
Sequels : Race Drivin' Panorama (1991) - Hard Drivin's Airborne (1993)

Race Drivin' Panorama
1991 (Prototype)
Hardware : Used one hardware crate per screen.
Race Drivin' Panorama
Race Drivin' Panorama Race Drivin' Panorama
Main : 3 or 5 Screen version of Race Drivin'
Notes : Panorama was a product of the applied research group's direction.. Rick Moncreif (the team lead) wanted to make the most realistic driving game available, the next step beyond Race Drivin' was to add a wider field of vision...
Jeff Anderson
It was only released in a 3-screen format, with a large fiberglass hood that fits over the monitors and holds the marquee. The side monitors' software (each side monitor has a multisync II PCB) effectively supports putting the side monitors anywhere in space in reference to the main monitor.. I have two machines, so I just pulled the side monitors off it and set them for that display position.
Maybe 25 or 50 were built, but I have no real idea.. have #8 and #17, IIRC.
Panorama has 4 tracks - Race Drivin's 3 tracks and the Stock Car track, which, according to your info, was probably pulled from Street Drivin'? Maybe they developed Street as the 3rd game in the series, but just held off and put the stock car track into Panorama, as it otherwise wasn't much of an improvement over Hard & Race, and not likely to generate wide sales..
Flyers (external link) : Flyer (@
Prequels : Hard Drivin' (1988) - Hard Drivin' Compact (1988) - Race Drivin' Compact (1989) - Race Drivin' Upgrade (1989)
Sequel : Hard Drivin's Airborne (1993)

Race Drivin' Upgrade
Main : "Driver" board (7MHz 68010, 2x50MHz TMS34010, 50MHz TMS34012)
ADSP : "ADSP" or "ADSP II" board (8MHz ADSP-2100) - depends on age of machine
Sound : "Driver sound" board (7MHz 68000, 20MHz TMS32010)
Additional Boards : "DSK" board (40MHz DSP32C, 20MHz TMS32015)
Slapstic : 137412-117
Race Drivin' Upgrade Race Drivin' Upgrade
Flyers : Deluxe Flyer - Normal Flyer
Prequels : Hard Drivin' (1988) - Hard Drivin' Compact (1988)
Other version : Race Drivin' Compact (1989,Atari Hard Drivin')
Sequels : Race Drivin' Panorama (1991) - Hard Drivin's Airborne (1993)

S.T.U.N. Runner / STUN Runner
Main : "Multisync" board (7MHz 68010, 2x50MHz TMS34010, 50MHz TMS34012)
ADSP : "ADSP II" board (8MHz ADSP-2100)
Sound : "JSA II" sound board (1.7MHz 6502, YM2151, OKI6295)
S.T.U.N. Runner / STUN Runner
S.T.U.N. Runner / STUN Runner S.T.U.N. Runner / STUN Runner
Flyers (external link) : Flyer (@
Magazine Reviews (external link) : YS Mar '90 - C+VG Nov '89 - SU Jan '90 - CU Dec '89

Steel Talons
Main : "Multisync" board (7MHz 68010, 2x50MHz TMS34010, 50MHz TMS34012)
ADSP : "DS III" board (12MHz ADSP-2101)
Sound : "JSA IIIS" sound board (1.7MHz 6502, YM2151, OKI6295)
Additional Boards : "DSPCOM" I/O board (10MHz ADSP-2105)
Other : SLOOP Protection Chip
Steel Talons Steel Talons
Flyers (external link) : Flyer 1 (@ - Flyer 2 (@ - Flyer 3 (@
Magazine Reviews (external link) : SU Nov '91 - C+VG Jan '92 - SU Dec '91

Street Drivin'
1989 (Prototype)
Main : "Multisync II" board (7MHz 68010, 2x50MHz TMS34010, 50MHz TMS34012)
Street Drivin' Street Drivin'
Notes : Added one new track (Stock Car Track), one new car model (Police car) and also apparently improved the physics engine.


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